Life has been great.... This year my life has proven to be very positive, progressive and on a perpetual increase! Yes, I have had some moments that I felt as though I could have done better, done more, done less or not done at all! I have had some situations that could have been viewed as a failure, I have made some decisions that could have been viewed as unwise and I have invested time into somethings that may have been viewed as a waste. Yet, I still say that life has been great!
Why? Because my view of it has changed! I am a winner; so regardless of how any given situation in my life unfolds... In the end I will always win! Why? Because all things work together for the good of those who love God and who are called according to His purpose... So the good things and the not so good things are working together for my good and in the end... I will win!
It feels so good to be on the winning team... It feels so good to know what you were called to do and in what capacity... Life is great!
Nothing replaces the joy that you have in knowing that your life has meaning... that God has given you a promise; He is given you a destiny to fulfill... Life is great!
How wonderful is it to have a God that turns your mourning to dancing and your sorrow to joy? How blessed it is to serve a God who turns your whole life around in an instant! Life is great!
To be able to see things in the seed and bring them into fruition is a gift from God. Every time we create something; we open a gift that God has given us... How blessed are we to serve a God who gives us gifts daily? Not because it's a special holiday, nor your birthday or your anniversary! Sometimes we don't even deserve them... but He gives them to us anyway! Life is great!
Life is great isn't it? When I sit down and I reflect on the goodness of God... I think about the depths from which I have come... I think about all the self-destruction from which I have been delivered.... I think about a {me} that I have grown to know and to love... I think about a love that no man can give.... I think about a giver that saved my life.... and think about a life that I now live that I never imagined possible... and I think about all the possibilities that it now holds....
I smile and I say to myself... Life is great!
Greatness is achieved when realize that good isn't your final destination...good is your assurance that you are on the right path!
How grateful I am to serve the Great I Am! Life is Great!
10 years ago